Mission & Beliefs


Love One God. Love All People. Make Disciples Everywhere.

Our nine core values shape the culture and ministry of Eastside, what we do and why we do it.  


Love One God.


We value trusting, obeying and serving the triune God, exalting Him above all else regardless of circumstances. We do everything, in word and deed, with all our heart for the Lord, not for the world, by the Spirit and in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. We steward all his gifts to us in ways that honor Him.


We value the centrality of the gospel of Jesus Christ and being regular hearers and doers of God’s holy and authoritative Word. We go continually to God in prayer and to His Scriptures for teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness that we may be conformed to the image of the Son and equipped for every good work. 


We value glorifying God in our joyful pursuit of holiness. In this fallen world, our delight is the wisdom and instruction of the Lord. We take sin seriously – repenting, recognizing sin’s consequences, and fighting to put sin to death. We get the power and generosity of grace – coming as we are and boasting in Christ crucified, extending and receiving forgiveness.


Love All People.


We value humble service, looking to the interests of others. We associate with the lowly by caring for the hurt, lost, lonely and disadvantaged. We seek to be compassionate, rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep. We work together for the welfare of the city and what's good for others.


We value gathering with the family of God and practicing the “one-anothers” of the New Testament. We want to be quick to forgive and quick to confess, knowing and being known so that we might help one another become more like Christ, contributing to the needs of the saints and showing hospitality. 


We value the inherent, God-given worth of every single human life since all are created in the image of God – no human is less human than another. We oppose the sin of partiality and speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the sake of the disadvantaged, seeking twofold reconciliation, human and divine, on earth as it is in heaven.


Make Disciples Everywhere.


We value leading our household in following Christ, especially to seek and save the lost. We are committed to consistent family discipleship with our spouses, children, relatives, roommates and friends, whoever our household may be. We work together as a church to disciple the next generation, teaching them to obey all that Christ commanded us.


We value leading our neighbors in following Christ locally at church, work, play and study, especially to seek and save the lost and to intentionally befriend and disciple diversely. We love our neighbor, proclaim the gospel and teach them to obey all that Christ commanded us wherever the Lord places us.


We value sending and being sent, especially to seek and save the lost around the world. We want to be followed as we follow Christ globally and teach the nations to obey all that Christ has commanded us. We want to make disciples and plant churches where there have not been any before.


Our ten foundational truths serve as a synopsis of our Christian doctrine, our church creed, and a functional catechism. These truths are intended to serve as the backbone for our adult as well as kid’s ministries – it makes our doctrine accessible and repeatable for everyone. This summary is formatted to read and function as a kind of catechism for the training of the next generation of believers as well as an apologetic explanation of our beliefs.

Our Ten Foundational Truths:

If you want to know more about our doctrinal foundation and theological positions, visit the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 and the Lausanne Covenant.


The Eastside distinctives reflect what distinguishes Eastside from other churches who would affirm many of our same basic beliefs. If there is anything listed among our distinctives that you do not agree with, it might not preclude you from membership, but please discuss it with one of our staff, elders, or deacons as part of your membership process.

  • In addition to our foundational truths, Eastside uses the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 and the Lausanne Covenant as confessional documents to express our theological positions. The Baptist Faith and Message is included in Appendix A and the Lausanne covenant is found in Appendix B.

  • We practice baptism by immersion. It is important to note, however, that we do not believe that baptism is a requirement for salvation; rather, it should happen after one has been saved by grace, as a sign to all of what God has done in the life of the believer. While Eastside requires believer’s baptism for membership, if a prospective member was baptized following their conversion by another mode than immersion, that baptism will be honored.

    We share in the Lord’s Supper at most worship gatherings at Eastside. This meal was instituted by Christ to remind us of his broken body and shed blood for the forgiveness of our sins and to proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes again. All believers in Jesus Christ are invited to participate assuming they are in good standing with Eastside or their home church if they are visiting.

  • We believe that man is beyond saving himself yet in desperate need of salvation, that only God chooses the segment of humanity who will be saved through Jesus Christ’s redeeming work on the cross, that no one can control or change God’s plans, and that those who are saved are sealed with the Holy Spirit and nothing can separate them from the love of God.

  • We believe that men and women are completely equal in inherent value, share in the mission of the church, and in some areas are given.

  • Eastside teaches that God is still active miraculously and grants gifts of His Holy Spirit.

  • Elders – qualified men selected from among the members - who are responsible for humbly shepherding and overseeing Eastside’s ministry on behalf of the congregation. The congregation, however, is still involved in leadership decisions through member meetings as well as votes, and is generally responsible for carrying out the mission and vision of the church.