Daniel Clay
Worship & Groups Minister


I am married to Lauren and we have three children – Smith, Henry, and Penny.

I received a BAS in Philosophy from Dallas Baptist University, and have been leading worship and working on church staffs since 2005. In my most recent role before Eastside I served as the Worship Minister at The Village Church in Dallas.

My hopes for Eastside are that we would have a ton of fun together embodying our mission; that by God's grace we would see men, women and children submit to the lordship of Christ; that by the power of the Spirit we would give our lives to make East Dallas look more like God's kingdom.

In this season of my life the Lord is teaching me that He is in fact the author of my days. It is terribly tempting to believe we know what tomorrow will hold, but we don't. I don't. It is easy to make plans and to assume that the next day, week, month, year will offer what today has offered. It might. But it might not. Every single day is a gift from God, and He has filled it with purpose and potential. He has given me the grace and power I need to accomplish His will for this day and asked me not to be overly preoccupied with the next. Tomorrow will come with its own opportunities and objectives.

Daniel writes, performs, and records with his band, South of Royal, along with several other Eastsiders.